The COVID-19 pandemic brought about numerous new changes to our society. Our response to its outbreak led us to adapt and reshape some of the most basic tasks and functions in our lives, in everything from socialization and school to work and business.
In March 2020, the virus made it essential to work on a remote basis for the protection of our communities at large. However, despite the slow but progressive passing of the pandemic, this system of working from home has maintained popularity. We're seeing businesses across industries reconsider the way they disperse and communicate with their staff, with many changing to hybrid or even fully remote models in favor of the increased productivity and decreased costs that they've enjoyed so far.
Emerging from the aftermath of COVID-19 is a new era of how we interact with one another and how business is done. Here are some of the significant changes that have taken place in this landscape since last year.
A Growing Trend
All the talk of the growing popularity of hybrid work models isn't simply anecdotal, it's something that's being backed up by data and industry experts alike. More and more companies are using the pandemic as an opportunity to reevaluate their operational structures, and many are deciding to make a switch from the traditional way of doing things. So much so in fact, that a study from Mercer found that a massive 70% of businesses surveyed indicated plans to adopt a hybrid model. With more than half of companies on board, industry analysts are confident in the notion that this is a practice that is not only here to stay, but likely to also become the new normal.
A Priority for Employees
Having reaped the many benefits associated with remote work during the pandemic, many professionals have reconsidered their priorities when it comes to work setups. They're now putting more attention on which employers can best get on board with new trends, as well as putting a bigger emphasis on the notion of accommodation. It's become a pretty big deal, too. A recent survey saw 56 percent of professionals say they would consider changing employers if increased flexibility were not offered to them post pandemic. Accommodation has rapidly become a focal point of employer and employee dynamics and is something that's likely to continue being a priority in the near future.
Changing In Favor of Efficiency
The pandemic has forced us all to get creative in the way we go about our day-to-day lives. We've had to find new and innovative ways to stay connected and productive, all while being safe and comfortable in our homes. This "new normal" has led many businesses to change the way they operate, often in the form of remote or mainly digital connections. While not without its challenges, the adoption of the digital approach within the work environment has proven to be particularly fruitful for many organizations. In virtually all cases, technology has empowered businesses to become more connected, streamlined and efficient as possible. There are some pretty big numbers to back this statement up as well. A recent report found that working remotely yielded a 47% increase in productivity from levels seen in the year prior.
While challenging, there are lots of ways businesses can equip themselves for this new working landscape and perform at the best level of capacity and organization possible. One of the best means is through a tool that's specifically designed for the purpose of facilitating and optimizing remote work, like the Basil Cloud-Based Collaboration app. It embodies everything modern day organizations need to get work done, all through a medium that is centralized, digital and completely remote. It’s designed by the same makers as QBox, CoraLegal and CADBox, which are all built specifically for the purpose of helping small businesses succeed. Cloud technology is the way of the future, and Basil makes it easy to get ahead.