Basil Legal Blog

How Law Firms Benefit from using a Practice Management System

Written by Sharissa Barnett | Jul 7, 2022 4:05:57 PM

Running a law firm can be quite daunting. You'll need to answer numerous emails, create complex documents and contracts, and manage several clients. Without proper management and organization, these tasks could take a toll on you or your staff and distract you from your main purpose.

Fortunately, technology has been seeping into every sector of human life, and the law profession has not been left behind. Currently, 62% of large and 33% of small firms use legal management software.

So, what are the advantages of practice management software?

Despite the reluctance of practitioners to pick up the software, they provide numerous benefits and will greatly streamline your operations. In this article, we discuss the various benefits of CoraLegal as a practice management tool for legal professionals.

Improved Collaboration

Lawyers and attorneys share a lot of documents and material among themselves and their clients. Usually, the records are highly confidential and must be sent and stored securely.


Utilizing practice management software allows you to share and receive documents securely over the cloud. You'll create your documents offline or on the platform and edit them anytime. In addition, you can use a file lock to secure your edits and access 20 versions of the file in case of an error.

Improved Project Organization

Law cases usually involve various tasks by different departments all aimed at the same outcome. As a result, it is easy for confusion, miscommunication, and misunderstandings to arise. In a profession that calls for accuracy, these could be very detrimental. Therefore, it is crucial that you find an effective method of organizing and managing projects. 

If you use CoraLegal, you'll access a digital organizer to help you create tasks and assign duties to staff. You'll then add a completion date, and it will track progress to ensure projects are completed on time.

Increased Productivity

Usually, your firm will handle several clients at a given time. Clients need a matter record where their information, including appointments, contacts, and case documents, are kept. If you keep this information manually, accessing it will take a long process.

A law management software allows you to keep the matter records online on a single platform. The results are ease of access and speed in retrieving any information needed. No one will have to contact someone for information, and they can access the data from anywhere, at any time.

Electronic Signatures

One tedious part of practicing law is tracking down clients to append their signatures on documents. It usually takes a while and could lead to unpleasant delays.

Using an intuitive e-signature tool can eliminate the waiting time and have documents signed quickly and securely. You'll allow many users to sign a document, and the software conducts an audit trail, including IP address and time of signing.

The platform will also allow you to invite Notary Publics from different places to join your CoraLegal account. They will be able to notarize your client's signature and notarize the document with their eSignature and notary stamp. Your Notaries will receive free accounts, so you do not have to worry.

Streamline Your Law Practice Using CoraLegal

Practice management for legal professionals should not be derailed by menial repetitive managerial tasks. Instead, you can turn things around using efficient software for law firms like CoraLegal

It will help you secure your legal document management, speed up sharing, improve productivity, and access eSignatures. The results will be reduced risk and costs and happy clients. So please feel free to contact us today for the best software for law firms.